What is this map and how do I contribute to it?

This map is intended for unaccompanied (without their parents) foreign minors (UFM) living in France. The map will locate and provide information of places that UFMs visit frequently so they can carry out administrative procedures, communicate with friends and family, find cheap places to eat at, places of entertainment, and places to visit. Know of any good spots? Enter them in!

Find a Location...

For each referenced location is information on the type of place, its name, address, business hours, accessibility, etc.

Click on the marker symbol in the top-right corner of the screen to select and move the marker on the map.

Place the marker on the location that you want to identify on the map.

Select a layer from the “Choose the Layer of the Feature” drop-down list on the right side of the screen and tag the location with a related theme (e.g. search for information, entertainment, eat-out, first aid, religious, etc.)

Specify the name of the place and add a description.

Add Information...

Click on “Advanced Properties” to personalize your symbol.

Click on “Inherit” below “Color” to choose the corresponding theme color.

Select the icon from the “Type of Icon” drop-down list.

Go to the “Choose a symbol” section and select the design of your choice.

Save Changes

Click the button in top-right corner of the screen to save your changes. The map will then be updated.


Expo à La Gaîté lyrique

Du 1er au 27 juillet 2014, venez découvrir une exposition consacrée au projet MAP-MIE, dans le centre de ressources de la Gaîté Lyrique. Les cartes réalisées par les jeunes seront présentées et vous aurez le loisir de créer vos propres cartes ! De la ballade urbaine, au dessin et à la carte en ligne, venez découvrir différentes manières de voir et de raconter la ville.


Ateliers de cartes mentales

Les cartes mentales sont des cartes inventées, dessinées, rêvées. Une carte raconte une histoire, et on peut la raconter de différentes manières, en utilisant des dessins, des photos, des collages… Les jeunes des différents centres ont fait des cartes individuelles et collectives des endroits qu’ils aiment et fréquentent au quotidien avec l’équipe de Galimaties en mars et avril 2014.


Ateliers de cartographie en ligne

Les ateliers de cartographie en ligne se sont déroulés à la Médiathèque l’Echo au Kremlin Bicêtre, au SAJ MIE à Paris et à la Bibliothèque Elsa Triolet de Bobigny. Les jeunes ont indiqué à l’aide de marqueurs les lieux importants et ils leur ont donné différentes couleurs pour permettre une recherche thématique de la carte. Au fur et à mesure des ateliers, la carte prend forme et se remplie pour devenir un outil complet pour les jeunes qui arrivent sur le territoire.



A map created by Libraries Without Borders
and unaccompanied foreign minors in the Ile-de-France region.

The Project “MAP – MIE”

In 2014, Libraries Without Borders launched the project MAP-MIE in partnership with four unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) from Ile-de-France childcare facilities that are managed by the French Red Cross. The project’s objective is to facilitate information and new technology access to UFMs that will assist them in their integration to France. Through mapping and information retrieval workshops, these four UFMs have begun to create a collaborative map that all UFMs will then be able to use freely.

The number of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) coming to France has been constantly rising for several years now. This presents a challenge to welcome and assist UFMs in their efforts to integrate into the country. As of 2013, the French Ministry of Justice claims there are 9,000 UFMs within its borders.

Collaborative Map

The map is a helpful tool specifically for UFMs to find their way around France. The map lists useful and frequented locations of UFMs. Designed by the minors themselves, the map allows them to be more self-reliant in France and to help out other UFMs in getting around the city. The map will also help bring about better support from social workers.

The map will show both administrative and social structures useful to UFMs such as places of information, cultural venues, recreational and hang-out spots, and good places to live at a low price. It specifies the type of place, address, business hours, accessibility, and any other relevant information.

“What emanates from the street derives from what it has experienced; views that are seen, known, loved.”

Roberto Peregalli, philosopher and writer; excerpt from his essay “Les lieux et la poussière”

About | Libraries Without Borders

Created in 2007 by historian Patrick Weil, Libraries Without Borders (LWB) is one of the leading international organizations working in culture-and knowledge-based development around the world. In both development and humanitarian contexts, LWB’s aim is to provide access to information and culture for all by providing support to libraries in France and in 20 countries worldwide.

Since 2012, LWB has been developing several digital content projects in both educational sectors (MOOCs, collaborative learning, etc.) and professional fields (specialized digital libraries, etc.).

LWB has supported more than 300 libraries throughout the world since its inception.

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